Domestic abuse is behaviour from a family member, partner or ex-partner that:

  • is controlling, coercive, threatening, violent or abusive
  • happens between people aged over 16

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to men or women. It includes the following types of abuse:

  • psychological
  • physical
  • sexual
  • financial
  • emotional

Domestic violence and abuse can include harassment, stalking, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and honour-based abuse. It can also include trafficking.

If you’ve been affected:

If you are the victim of an abusive relationship, you might want to:

  • find somewhere safe to stay
  • stay in your home and get the person who is harming you to leave
  • report the violence to the police
  • get a court order to stop your abusive partner from harming or threatening you
  • take legal action
  • get help from a charity or another organisation

Whatever you want to do, there are organisations that can give you advice and help.

Finding somewhere safe to stay:

You may need somewhere safe to stay, either alone or with your children. You could:

  • stay at home – if you think this is safe
  • stay with relatives or friends
  • stay in a refuge
  • get emergency accommodation from the local authority under homeless persons law – this will usually mean a bed and breakfast hostel
  • get privately rented accommodation.


How Do I report an incident of adult abuse?

  • If you suspect someone is in immediate risk, harm or danger, please telephone the Police on 999
  • Alert  IOWCC Adult Social Care as soon as possible by calling the Safeguarding Team on  or by email
  • If you are suffering because of domestic abuse or know someone who is you can call the ‘You First’ freephone helpline:  or email 


Other Helpful Links:

  • IWC Covid update on support available right now
  • You First Service run by You Trust who run the refuge, helpline and normally provide outreach
  • Citizens Advice IOW Article
  • – formerly the Women’s Refuge, supports women who are experiencing difficult times in their lives.



Last updated on 12/06/2020

Call the Safeguarding Team on  or email

Or if in immediate danger telephone the Police on 999.