Make sure your home is energy efficient
You might be able to save money by making your home more energy efficient – for example by:
using your central heating effectively
keeping your home warm for longer
making changes so you use less electricity and gas
Using less electricity, gas and oil
There are ways to reduce how much electricity and gas you use – for example, you can:
Use Eco setting on washing machine, and wash at lower temperature
Make sure your home is draught free and well insulated, close curtains in the evening to keep in heat
Cut your shower time down to 4 minutes – will save around £30 per year per person in water and energy
fix any leaking taps
- Turn the room temperature down by one degree – will save around £75 per year. (But not below 16 degrees)
You can to get more advice about making your home energy efficient or visit our national website at
The Footprint Trust, help people and the planet through practical projects. The Trust is at the forefront in the fight against fuel poverty. They assist local people to use resources wisely and to keep people warm and well. The save most households around £200 per year on their energy and water bills and cut CO2.
Other Helpful Links:
on the Simple Energy Advice website
The Energy Savings Trust is a reliable source of energy saving information
Free Priority Service Register, for vulnerable people
Updated 22/06/2020