Is someone you know finding the ‘new normal’ challenging to navigate?

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Age Friendly Island and its partners have created a set of ‘Out & About’ Cards to help people to feel more confident to navigate social distancing and other Covid-secure measures that are now in place.

With the lockdown restrictions easing, Emma Lincoln, Age UKIW’s Age Friendly Island project manager said that some people were finding the new situations challenging.

The new cards, part-funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, are designed to be used to let people know that the cardholder finds these new situations challenging.

These cards are for those who:

  • Find social distancing challenging — they may have a visual impairment or have difficulty in understanding social distancing instructions;
  • Are exempt from wearing a face covering under the government guidance;
  • Find the use of face coverings by other people challenging — face coverings make communication difficult for those who rely on lip reading and facial expressions;
  • Feel they need time and space — they may have been shielding and are just starting to get back out and about.

Businesses are also being encouraged to use posters within their premises for people using the ‘Out and About’ cards and to support those using them to engage effectively with their services.

Posters can be downloaded here: 

If you or someone you know would benefit from using these cards, please contact Age UK on or to download and print the cards, click .

(Updated 24/11/2021)