When you get near to your retirement date you’ll need to start getting ready to make sure your income is all in place in time. As well as claiming your State Pension, you may need to decide how to invest your personal pension.
Find out about what you need to do in the months leading up to your retirement date and how you can use the money in your personal pension pot to give you an income for the rest of your life by clicking on the Citizens Advice Links below:
When you can start getting your pension, checklist of things to do leading up to your retirement and what to do if you’ve lost track of a pension.
What options you have for accessing the money in you personal or workplace pension pot.
What income drawdown (pension withdrawal) means, how it works and who it’s suitable for.
To find out when you may be able to retire and can start receiving your State Pension please click here
*Your State Pension age is the earliest age you can start receiving your State Pension. It may be different to the age you can get a workplace or personal pension.
Your State Pension age is worked out based on your gender and date of birth.
The State Pension age is under review and may change in the future.
Other Useful Links:
Updated 24/08/2021
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